Captains Welcome

Club Captain Ian Hughes

It is my great privilege as the 2021 Club Captain to offer you a warm welcome to Doncaster Golf Club.

This picturesque heathland course known for its year round playability is a great test for all levels of golfer. We continually strive to improve the quality of both the golf course and clubhouse facilities. To this end we continue to invest heavily in our development program to provide an enjoyable golfing challenge and excellent facilities and atmosphere to relax in afterwards.

On behalf of everyone at Doncaster Golf Club, I would like to offer a warm welcome to all those visiting our Club whether that be for social or golfing events. The clubhouse commands superb views over the course and has excellent facilities for entertaining, dining, or relaxing. I am sure you will find a friendly and hospitable welcome and trust you will enjoy all the facilities the Club has to offer.

To our members, I hope you have a successful golfing year and wish success to our teams representing the Club in the Sheffield Union leagues as well as Yorkshire Union and National competitions. I look forward to enjoying a variety of golfing and social events with you.

My nominated charity is Donmentia, this is a local charity which supports both suffers of Dementia and those who support and care for them. The support this charity provides to those dealing with this debilitating and difficult disease is invaluable and I’m delighted Doncaster Golf Club will be helping a local charity.

Finally, I wish the Lady Captain Kay Vickers and Junior Captain Sam Fry every success for the coming year, you can rely on both myself and my Vice Captain Ian Carling to support you in all your endeavors.

Ian Hughes

Lady Captain Kay Vickers

Since joining Doncaster Golf Club, I have been impressed how the Club’s staff and Members work tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of our Club. Plenty of time, effort and thought goes into making the Club a fantastic place to play golf, discover new friends, and enjoy the vibrant social life. With this in mind, I look forward to working alongside Club Captain Ian and Junior Captain Sam Fry in 2021.

The Ladies’ Section runs competitions each week, including those at Local, District, County and National level. In addition, our lady’s teams - Scratch, A, B and Friendly, enjoy many competitive matches against other local clubs. With social roll ups and mixed competitions there is plenty of golf on offer for every ability of golfer. For ladies new to golf, we hold ‘Taster Sessions’, which is how I started six years ago!

My charity this year is the Sick Children’s Trust, which offers accommodation for parents and families of very poorly children in hospital. I am looking forward to raising money for the charity and having fun in the process. I thank the Ladies’ Section in advance for their help with this.
I am so very proud of Doncaster Golf Club, it is an honour and privilege to serve as Lady Captain. I am thrilled to represent the Ladies’ and the Club and to be working with my Lady Vice Captain Karen and the new Ladies’ Committee.

May I extend a huge welcome to our visitors, I’m sure you will enjoy your golf at Doncaster. I also look forward very much to meeting and playing golf with the Members over this forthcoming year.

Lady Captain
L Kay Vickers